lauantai 26. tammikuuta 2013

  La  Tagua

La tagua, también conocida como nuez de marfil o marfil vegetal, es la semilla de la palma phytelephas macrocarpa, que crece en los bosques húmedos tropicales de la región del  pacífico. Se utiliza y se comercializa internacionalmente, principalmente para hacer botones y también figuras artísticas o decorativas y adornos.
La tagua o marfil vegetal se obtiene del endosperma blanco y duro, de las semillas de la palmera phytelephas sp, de la familia . La especie se distribuye en el noroeste de Sur América. El endosperma pulido de la semilla se parece muchísimo al  marfil.
Y ustedes queridas amigas que esperan para usar  nuestros lindos collares de tagua  o quizas deseas hacerlo tu misma en nuestra tiendita virtual encontraras todo lo que necesitas bienvenidos(as) a nuestra  tienda virtual
fuente wikipedia 

The tagua

Tagua is a form of vegetable ivory harvested from ivory palms in South America. It is viewed as a sustainable alternative to ivory derived from animals, and responsible cultivation and harvesting of tagua may also help with rain forest conservation in South America. Like true ivory, tagua is dense and creamy yellow in color, and it can be carved and worked into buttons, traditional handcrafts , billiard balls, musical instrument parts, and other things traditionally made from ivory.
The formal name for the South American ivory palm is Phytelephas aequatorialis,  A full-grown tagua tree can reach 65 feet (20 meters) in height, and will yield several very large, knobbly wooden fruits. When the fruit is cracked open, it reveals several hen's egg sized tagua nuts, the seeds of the tree. The tagua seeds can be allowed to grow into seedlings to perpetuate the trees, or carved into vegetable ivory products. In small South American communities, tagua can provide a valuable economic and cultural service by providing people with a source of income which allows them to live traditional lifestyles.
Fuente wisegeek

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